We get an early start to hike out to the plane west of...
Willis Chung's Gallery Willis Chung's Gallery
  1. Willis Chung's Gallery
  2. 2016Apr Iceland Coast
  3. 2016Apr Iceland Day 14 AM Solheimasandur Plane Wreck2016Apr Iceland Day 14 AM Solheimasandur Plane Wreck
  4. We get an early start to hike out to the plane west of Vik, at the parking place by 7:30AM.We get an early start to hike out to the plane west of Vik, at the parking place by 7:30AM.

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We get an early start to hike out to the plane west of Vik, at the parking place by 7:30AM.
To the east we can see the basalt formations and lighthouse at Dyrhólaey
The private road is closed to vehicles, so we have to use ankle express
The sign makes a rather nice contrast of color and shape with the Icelandic coastal plain.
The sign seems to indicate taking the road on the right.  The left (eastern) one is the right one.
On the walk, the basalt hills to the east seem a lot further away than they did in the car.
The coastal plain is aptly named.
The urge to put stones on top of other stones is a strong one.
Our first sight of the coastal plane on the coastal plain!
A slope hides the beach and the plane until you are almost upon it.
Just the fuselage left from this Super DC-3.  Nobody injured during the emergency landing.
Had to do some Lightroom trickery to bring up shadow detail and bring highlights down.
This may be one of the most photographed planes in the world, certainly in Iceland.
You can still make out the "United States" barely.
Peggy liked taking photos as much as I did!
Turning away from the sun lets me bring the deep blue out in the sky above.
Amazing how much wiring there is in aircraft! Clearly shotguns are not uncommon in Iceland.
A bit missing from the nose of the plane!  I wonder who has the seats...
Superwide fun!  Standing just behind the wing. I can get things from 2 feet to infinity in focus!
Peeking inside the cargo bay.  Superwide makes it seem much more spacious.
Working the sun and the lens flare as parts of the composition.  A bit dirty inside...
With the distortion from the fisheye, the C-47 looks like a dolphin from this angle.
The fuselage is really straight, though.  This is the plane's "good side."  More of the nose left.
Peggy getting photos in the shade.  Putting horizon in the middle reduces fisheye distortion.
The plane almost looks like a lunging shark from this perspective.
Well, maybe a sitting football.
Maybe the windows are gracing some sheds or barns somewhere.  A good use for them!
This big side hatch must have made loading pretty easy.
The hatch looks pretty gigantic with the fisheye lens.  Peggy is going to have a cup of tea.
Not having a tail would make loading even easier!
Peggy was smart!  She brought hot tea and snacks.
I will need to get Peggy's photo of me taking this photo!  Working the sunburst...
Normally you don't see the sun shining through the roof inside a plane.
Here is the engineering space behind the cockpit.  Only brackets and wire left.
That's a pretty glorious view of Icelandic mountains from the ruins of the cockpit. (Taken inside the C-47 plane wreck at  Solheimasandur, southern coastal Iceland.)
Taking a look out the cockpit door.
Here's the cockpit view with the sun adding some excitement.
Peggy is taking my photo, and she gives me the idea of taking a photosphere here!
My turn for a cup of tea while Peggy gets inside photos.
We are joined by a German family, the first of the wave of people coming out after us.
Contemplating the angles
Peggy getting a photosphere inside the cockpit.
Riding the wing!  Looks pretty exciting when shot with the superwide!
Sun still low enough to add interest on superwide shots.
That engine mount must be made of pretty tough stuff!
Peeking into the cockpit through a hole made by a shotgun.
Looking across to the cockpit door.
The seat rails are still in place.  Quite a roomy cockpit in this condition!
I think the Navy took the engines before abandoning the plane.
Starting back to the car, looking back at towards the wreck.

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