Snow wasn't too bad in Cherry Creek, so we headed to the...
Willis Chung's Gallery Willis Chung's Gallery
  1. Willis Chung's Gallery
  2. 2016Apr Iceland Coast
  3. 2016Apr Iceland Day 0-2: Denver to Reykjavik2016Apr Iceland Day 0-2: Denver to Reykjavik
  4. Snow wasn't too bad in Cherry Creek, so we headed to the airport.Snow wasn't too bad in Cherry Creek, so we headed to the airport.

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Tried to leave for Iceland on Saturday, but flight was cancelled by snowstorm
Snow wasn't too bad in Cherry Creek, so we headed to the airport.
Got to the airport, parked, and found flight cancelled
Sunday now, trying again
Everybody else was at the airport as well.
Lines at security were out the side of the airport.  Happily we had PreCheck for the first flight
Grabbing some breakfast after passing through security
Our first flight is to Dulles, where we can get some dinner
The legions of yellow machines were working hard to get the snow off the runways and taxiways
Lots of snow had to be moved from once place to another
On board our United flight to Dulles.  Looks roomy with the superwide.
The superwide makes every place look roomy
Landed in Dulles, where it is warm and sunny
I bet the plane was happy to get away from the snow in Denver
At our gate for our flight to Reykyavik
On board the IcelandAir flight, very tight seats
Flying over DC, towards the Atlantic
Sunrise over the Atlantic west of Iceland
I wasn't the only one taking photos of the sunrise
Our first glimpse of Iceland this trip
Descending to Keflavik
Joining the other IcelandAir flights on the ground
Colorful signs led us to immigration and customs
Dunkin Donuts Reykjavik Mall

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